Here are some pictures of my abandoned babies at the hospital. I have 4 currently, and I take them to Saint Germaine for physical therapy 2 to 4 times a week depending on how healthy they are. Norma has shown me how to massage them, how best to help Jolene walk and little stretching exercises to do in the pool. I never thought I'd be doing any sort of physical therapy here, but I enjoy it!
- My first little girl is Jolene, whose been with me since the begining and IS STARTING TO WALK! I took a video of her walking in her crib on the soft service and posted it on youtube:
You can compare that to her walking on solid ground, which is more difficult for her in this video:
She's doing great and is very happy with all the attention. I take her 4 times a week, everyday that I'm in Tabarre. She is a trooper, who had meningitis, tuberculosis and malnutrition when she was abandoned and has come back to be a normal little girl. She doesn't speak yet, but that doesn't worry me much, because in all other ways she acts like a normal 2 and half year old. She makes eye contact, laughs, plays, reaches, eats, attempts to walk and is moving all the time.
-My second little girl is Lilianna, who is making progress despite an uncertain medical history and profound mental retardation. She rarely acknowledges anyone, doesn't speak, attempt to walk or change facial expressions often. She was abandoned when she was a little older, I'm assuming when her family saw her issues. She's probably 3. She is always is chewing on something, usually her finger, but doesn't seem to feel alot of the pain it would cause you and me. She will reach for something if I hold it out in front of her, just so she can put it in her mouth. The reaching is progress enough for me, and the muscles she usually hold so tightly are loosening with physical therapy.
-My first little boy, Joseph Junior is tiny tiny tiny. He was extremely malnourished, and has absolutely no muscle mass right now. He is very aware of what is going on around him, but can't lift his head to observe things. The Haitian physical therapists are afraid to work with him because he's so small, so I bring him to Saint Germaine when Norma is there to work with him. The other days, I massage his limbs and give him attention. He's too small to go in the pool.
-My newest little boy, Gilot, is still battling malnutrion, and is unable to move without pain. His skin is flaking off and he's lies with his arms and legs pulled to his chest with a feeding tube in his nose. I've seen improvements in his health in the last 2 weeks he's been with us at the hospital with medication and proper food. I massage lotion into his skin and try to move his joints while we wait for him to get stronger.
-Finally, here's a video of my abandoned babies in the Tap Tap room. They are all healthy and 2 of them (Cassandra and Luco) are waiting to be adopted by hospital administrators. I play with them every week day: